CFP: U.S. Catholic Historian Future Issue: Protesant and Catholic: The Reformation in America

The following is a call for papers for a future issue of the U.S. Catholic Historian

Protestant and Catholic: The Reformation in America

For more than thirty years the U.S. Catholic Historian has published theme-based issues relevant to the history of American Catholicism.  In view of the Protestant Reformation’s 500th anniversary, an upcoming issue will address the relationship of Protestants and Catholics in the United States. Contributions could include, but are not limited to, studies of the following:
  • Ecumenical cooperation between Protestants and Catholics
  • Supra-denominational efforts involving Protestants and Catholics prior to Vatican II
  • Influences/impact of Catholicism on Protestant America and Protestantism on Catholic America
  • Anti-Catholicism and/or anti-Protestantism
  • Relationships between Catholic and Protestant clergy/hierarchy
Scholars considering a submission are asked to contact the editor, Fr. David Endres at before preparing a contribution. Approximate length is 7,000-10,000 words. We ask for submissions by February 1, 2017 and look forward to hearing from potential contributors.

Fr. David Endres
Editor, U.S. Catholic Historian


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