CFP: ASCH Spring Meeting, April 7-10

Elesha Coffman

Calling all Canadians, or anyone else who would like to visit our neighbor to the north! The ASCH Spring Meeting will be held April 7-10 in Edmonton, Alberta. The program committee (of which I am a member) is interested in paper or session proposals on any topic related to the interaction of Christianity and culture. More specifically, as per the CFP posted at the ASCH website, we would love to see proposals on:

- The Christian experience in Canada, in keeping with the meeting's location in Edmonton
- The history of Christianity in two or more countries (one of which may or may not be Canada)
- Interfaith relations and dialogue (e.g., Christianity's intersections with Judaism and/or Islam)
- Early, Medieval, and Early Modern history--time periods which are sometimes underrepresented at the Spring meeting
- Current issues in technology (teaching history online, digital humanities for historians, etc.)

The deadline for proposals is February 19, and you must be a current, dues-paying ASCH member to get on the program. Feel free to contact me with any questions.
