Introducing...the JSR Podcast!
Art Remillard
Paul and I covered a range of topics, from his experiences at the Lamar Lectures in Southern History at Mercer University, to his unique collection of sources. (He recently uploaded some of the book's folk art images to his website.) We also discussed his decision to frame the book as a "throwback to an earlier kind of religious history that centered on Protestantism and marginalized other traditions." Long story short, it's a "throwback" only insofar as it examines the evangelical majority. Otherwise, as he explains, this "center" is quite complex, particularly on matters of race. Despite his nuanced response, I pounced on the opportunity to shamelessly self-promote my own book, which does examine "other traditions." But I don't claim that they were on equal footing. That would be, as Paul put it, "flat not true."
So we hope that you enjoy the podcast. With any luck, there will be many more in the future!