A Novel Approach to Teaching American Religious History

by Phillip Luke Sinitiere
For my American Religious History class this fall, I'm considering revamping the course by assigning 3 or 4 novels (and perhaps a memoir). As I've done in the past, Religion in American Life will serve as the main anchor text for the course, and I'll have a host of other primary and secondary readings for students to examine.
I once assigned a memoir, James Baldwin's The Fire Next Time (1963), and asked students to consider Baldwin's ideas about the relationship between race, religion and democratic society. Students enjoyed the book--partly because of its relative brevity--but mostly due to its deep and hefty subject matter and Baldwin's engaging and accessible writing. I will probably assign it again at some point.

Some have suggested using Black Robe (1985), and Flannery O'Connor's Wise Blood (1952). Malcolm X's Autobiography seems to be a mainstay. For me, the fact that each of these books have been made into a movie makes them compelling assignments--rich ground to discuss interpretive vantage points via text and film--but certainly there are many other worthy choices. I'd like to assign novels (or memoirs) that cover multiple time periods and address a variety of themes.

For my American Religious History class this fall, I'm considering revamping the course by assigning 3 or 4 novels (and perhaps a memoir). As I've done in the past, Religion in American Life will serve as the main anchor text for the course, and I'll have a host of other primary and secondary readings for students to examine.
I once assigned a memoir, James Baldwin's The Fire Next Time (1963), and asked students to consider Baldwin's ideas about the relationship between race, religion and democratic society. Students enjoyed the book--partly because of its relative brevity--but mostly due to its deep and hefty subject matter and Baldwin's engaging and accessible writing. I will probably assign it again at some point.
Some have suggested using Black Robe (1985), and Flannery O'Connor's Wise Blood (1952). Malcolm X's Autobiography seems to be a mainstay. For me, the fact that each of these books have been made into a movie makes them compelling assignments--rich ground to discuss interpretive vantage points via text and film--but certainly there are many other worthy choices. I'd like to assign novels (or memoirs) that cover multiple time periods and address a variety of themes.

So, what are your experiences using novels (or memoirs) to teach American religious history? What novels (or memoirs) have worked best for specific periods? What novels (or memoirs) work best to address topics such as gender, immigration, race, ethnicity, class, unbelief, or sexuality? What novels (or memoirs) explore lived religion or popular religion, or even religious pluralism? What are the possibilities, promises, and peril of the novel (or memoir) approach?
James Baldwin's Go Tell it On The Mountain
Lillian Smith's Killers of the Dream
John Edgar Wideman's The Cattle Killing
Once my students each chose a memoir to read (from a list). Near the end of the term, we gathered for a reception where each student came in character from his/her chosen memoir. We then held a discussion where everyone contributed from the vantage point of the character/historical actor. Students ate it up.
I've had great luck with Black Robe for the settlement phase of American history and with Lying Awake for the recent period, esp. regarding Catholic history.
Lying Awake is short, filled with things like gender issues, science and religion, and the place of religion on modern society (it's the story of nun in modern LA who has visions which turn out to be a brain tumor). Like Black Robe, it's centered on Catholics, but I do think it worked with the students.
I've also used vol. 1 of Studs Lonigan for the 1910s. Students loved it too, once they got into it, mainly because it deals with kids their age.
It hits just about every subject you can think of related to late-19th century religion and society: immigration, gender, sexuality, revivalism, unbelief, plurality of religious beliefs, science, etc. It probably sounds like I'm exaggerating its breadth, but I assure you that it's all well-developed in the novel. A must read for religious history.
Incidentally, I've found through some of my own research that many literary folks consider Frederic to be one of the greatest, if not the greatest forgotten American author, especially from the late-19th century.
Also, "The Celestial Rail-road" and "Earth's Holocaust" are great. The first is a wonderful parody of Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress," and both have tons of great commentary on society during the 1830s and 40s, particularly on religion, reform, and revivalism.
*Ceremony* is a favorite of mine -- not an easy read though for students.
For 19th century, it's hard to beat Uncle Tom's Cabin and Twain's *Connecticut Yankee* if you want to deal with novels that aren't "about" religion but ultimately really are.
As Art suggested, I may write a follow-up post (or two) in the fall, providing an update and progress report.
Either way, I look forward to continuing the conversation.
Also, its a beautifully written memoir.
Richard Wright “Black Boy.” Make certain that the edition includes what was published separately as “American Hunger”.
Marilynne Robinson. “Gilead” and “Home”.
John Houston (film) “Wiseblood”.
Michael D. O’Brien “Strangers and Sojourners”.
Walker Percy, “The Moviegoer” and “The Last Gentleman”
Robert Coles. “What Profit under the Sun” part nine of “The Privileged Ones”, Volume V of “Children of Crisis".
“Black Elk Speaks” as told by John Neihardt.
Elie Wiesel “Ani Maamin”.
Isaac Bashevis Singer “Enemies: A Love Story”.
Paul Mazursky Film} “Enemies: A Love Story”.
Ursula Goodenough, “The Sacred Depths of Nature”.
Erwin Goodenough, “Toward a Mature Faith”.
Peter Beagle, “The Last Unicorn”.
Anais Nin, “Henry and June” from “A Journal of Love”.
Philip Kaufman. (Film) “Henry and June”.
Maxine Kumin, "Our Ground Time Here Will Be Brief".
Lewis Sorley, "Honorable Warrior and the Ethics of Command". This is an important biography of a Christian general.
Robert Penn Warren, “Rumor Verified”.
Jane Kenyon, “Collected Poems”.
Denise Levertov, “A Door in the Hive”.
Adrienne Rich, “An Atlas of the Difficult World: Poems 1988-1991”.
Leonard Cohen, “Beautiful Losers” and “Book of Longings”.
Terry Riley. “Salome Dances for Peace” (music).
Ted Michael Morgan