Don’t Fear the Pistol-Packing Pentecostal (For Being a Pistol-Packing Pentecostal)
It is true. I have been unfaithful. While my ultimate loyalties are to this blog, I have been on occasion posting elsewhere. Here is what I promise will be my last word on Sarah Palin (unless she and McCain actually win).
Sarah Palin has problems. A lot of them. Nevertheless, we have nothing to fear from her faith. Ever since John McCain announced that the pistol-packing, moose-dressing, beehive-sporting hockey mom from Alaska was his vice presidential nominee, journalists, bloggers, Democrats and even the cast of Saturday Night Live have all been in a fury. Does Palin speak in tongues? Does she believe that the battle of Armageddon is imminent? Does she believe in casting out demons? Does she talk to God? Does she believe the Rapture is coming?
The answer to all of these questions is probably yes. But so what?
The rest of the article is here, over at the History News Network.
Actually, the piece is as good as the comments on HNN are stupid and asinine (par for the course for commentors over there). Don't people have better things to do with their lives than project their unhappiness onto some moderately-toned piece posted on the internet?
Anonymous #1: regarding "can we really separate her support for a constitutional ban on gay marriage and her opposition to Roe v. Wade from her religious background?"
I think we can, and should. There is no doubt that one's religious belief influences his/her politics. But at the same time, we cannot predict on the basis of belief how someone will govern. If we could, Catholic politicians would all support the ban on abortion. The point of my piece is that Palin has given us plenty of insight into her political views (including her view on abortion), which should be the foundation of the debate. It is unfair, however, to assume that because she is of a particular religious persuasion, we can predict how she will govern.