The Politics of Jesus

Material culture meets politics meets religion! Apparently this shirt is selling like hotcakes among Democrats and was mentioned on the floor of the House.


John G. Turner said…
Is the "is" in the first sentence meant to emphasize that Jesus has triumphed over the grave, was resurrected, and lives? Does it depend on the meaning of "is?"
Anonymous said…
Did Pontius Pilate wear lipstick?
Anonymous said…
And would Bill Ayers be Barabbas?
Tim Lacy said…
Dear Matt,

Put up the link to the place where the shirt can be bought. I mean, you want to give credit to the originator, yes?

- Tim
Matt Sutton said…
Hey Tim, this shirt is all over the web in a bunch of varieties. I don't know who originated it.
Anonymous said…
I love this shirt! The congressman who made this point should be commended. Obama is our answer, our hope, our salvation, and can heal this nation. If only Obama had been the one, and not Joe Biden, who asked the state senator in the wheel chair to stand up; he would be walking.
John Fea said…
Steve Cohen, the Democratic Congressman from TN, backed off this comment today on "Hardball" with Chris Matthews.
Anonymous said…
Seriously, this has to be one of the dumbest comments in a long time from a congressman speaking on the congressional record. Does Cohen realize how much idiotic comments like these help McCain and the Republicans?
Brad Hart said…
Didn't Pontius Pilate state that he, "found no fault in this man" when addressing the crowd that had gathered against Jesus? Does that mean Obama is perfect? =)
Anonymous said…
I think Jon Stewart got it right--Palin's slams against "mere" community organizers were hypocritical, given that the GOP has long touted volunteerism, from Bush 41's "thousand points of light" to Bush 43's "compassionate conservativsm."

But this T-shirt is a tit-for-tat. It's a clever cheap shot (though it's interesting that it goes against the Gospel narrative that soft pedals Roman involvement in the execution of Jesus).

Guess I'm still idealistic enough to hope for a candidate that wouldn't do the Bush 43 thing and try to put on the Christian mantle and show the other to putting on the devil's. Let's make this about policy differences, not that the other side is unprincipled and evil.
Dave Cias said…
A cutesy, if simplistic, schoolyard analogy.

Taken to its logical conclusion ...
Obama as Christ; Palin as anti-Christ or perhaps Christ-killer?

Really? Is that what serious people want to argue in this election?

Considering that one of McCain's most successful (as determined by whatever testing judges these things) negative ads has been the one depicting Obama as celebrity messiah, I'd think it wise to steer clear of redemptive references.

The Obama campaign was smart to stay away from this one. It's just a little too childish for sincere debate.