American Religious History and Historians at Baldblogger

Paul Harvey

Some months ago, Baldblogger featured a several-part series of interviews and posts on Ed Blum and W. E. B. Du Bois: American Prophet, and more recently reports on Blum's recent lecture at the University of Houston, "The Noose and the Cross: Race, Religion, and the Redemption of Violence in the Works of W. E. B. Du Bois."

Last week, Baldblogger began the first of a three-part interview series with Thomas Kidd, author and editor of recent important works on the Great Awakening. These new books, and the interview, highlight the importance of Kidd's work, and should be must-reads for American religious historians. We'll look forward to the continuation of this series.

Thanks to Baldblogger for his vital contributions to blogging in American religious history!


Anonymous said…
the baldblogger also has a ton of great teaching stuff - including some neat reflections from a bunch of folks on the 1980s
Anonymous said…
For those interested, baldblogger's teaching blogs can be found here:

While most posts deal with economics, politics, and society, some of the posts deal with religion and religious history.