Teaching Religion in America, from the OAH

Teaching Religion in America
by John Turner

This month's OAH Magazine of History is dedicated to "Teaching Religion in America." Most of the magazine is not available without a subscription, but you can see the table of contents and access an introduction and several primary source documents. Many departmental offices or libraries will have a copy for interested seekers.

First off, what an enlightened choice of topics!

The articles place a very strong emphasis on religious diversity throughout American History, perhaps slighting themes of Protestant establishment or Protestantism more generally. But that's quibbling. In particular, classroom instructors will find the "teaching resources" most useful, including links to a veritable wealth of primary documents. [These "teaching resource" sections are another good reminder that we need not always reinvent the wheel when planning class session!].

On another topic, progressive evangelicalism received the imprimatur of the New York Times's Nicholas Kristof (from last Sunday).


Anonymous said…
Cheers to Amanda Porterfield's wonderful piece (and I enjoyed Curtis's too).

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