
Showing posts from August, 2015

African American Religion as a category

Religious Museums, Historical Memory, and Public History

CFP: Heidelberg Center for American Studies Annual Spring Academy Conference

The Origins of American Religious Nationalism

Reforming Sodom, or Dr. Frankenstein’s Monster

Smuggling and Citizenship

Current and Upcoming Cushwa Center Activities and Opportunities

New Books in American Religious History: 2015 Year in Preview, Part Three (September-December)

"Benevolent." "Empire." Discuss.

Healing the Racial Divide, Interview with Lincoln Rice

“Christian Realism” and Progressive Evangelicals in U.S. Foreign Policy

CFP: Jews of the Americas in Global Perspective

Job Announcement: Claremont Graduate University

Introductions to the Study of Religion

John Adams and "The Religion of Democracy"

“It’s Not Sissy to be a Christian”: Playing Indian, Sports, Evangelicalism at Kanakuk Kamps

Florida State Graduate Student Symposium 2016