
Showing posts from April, 2011

Commemorating Haymarket

Second Biennial Conference on Religion and American Culture

Joe Price's Anthem Tour

Rituals of Violence, War, and Death Among the Wendat/Huron and the Dakotas: Two New Studies

2012 Southern Historical Association Meeting

A Cheerful and Comfortable Study of Colonial Material Religion

New York Rock Star Jesus Christ Opens Gates to Heaven

Lady Godga's Judas, Just in Time for Easter

Pasquier on the Impact of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

Ferocious Morality and the Infinite Jest of Solitude: Two Etudes on David Foster Wallace

Civilization Teeters on Brink as Long-Feared Film Version of "Atlas Shrugged" Premieres

The OKC Bombing, the Millennialist Right, and Terrorist Realities and Phantoms in the work of Michael Barkun

Texans, Dinosaurs Walked the Earth at the Same Time

Food and no Food

The Scandal of the Evangelical Behind


Evangelicalism, Continental Philosophy, and the Deconstructed Church

God v. No God at Notre Dame

Nancy Hardesty (1941-2011) and Biblical Feminism

Tri-Faith America

ASCH Spring Meeting Wrap-Up

Coming Out in the Jesus Movement

Please Come to LA, She Said Yes; Or, Looking for Love in Some of the Wrong Places

Whose Story is American Religious History?

Friday Jesus on the Mainline Blogging

Glenn Beck and Paul Revere: The Two Horsemen of the Apocalypse Retire

Jonathan Walton Speaking at ENC