Religious History and Religious Studies Syllabi from the Past Semester
Lincoln Mullen
Happy New Year, Religion in American History readers.
One of my favorite ways to get to know a scholar is to read her syllabi. Syllabi show how scholars put together a whole field. (And probably no text reveals personality as much as the introduction and policies on a syllabus.) Yet unfortunately teaching documents are shared less routinely than our research, so we are much more likely to know a scholar's books and articles than her syllabi. Following the example of Paul Putz's regular lists of new books, I intend to start a posting a roundup of syllabi for religious history and religious studies from the past semester from whoever wishes to contribute.
So here is a list of past syllabi from people who replied to my entreaties. Only a small number replied this first time, but if you would like to add your syllabus to this list, feel free to leave a link in the comments, or you can e-mail me a document and I'll add it (
Happy New Year, Religion in American History readers.
One of my favorite ways to get to know a scholar is to read her syllabi. Syllabi show how scholars put together a whole field. (And probably no text reveals personality as much as the introduction and policies on a syllabus.) Yet unfortunately teaching documents are shared less routinely than our research, so we are much more likely to know a scholar's books and articles than her syllabi. Following the example of Paul Putz's regular lists of new books, I intend to start a posting a roundup of syllabi for religious history and religious studies from the past semester from whoever wishes to contribute.
So here is a list of past syllabi from people who replied to my entreaties. Only a small number replied this first time, but if you would like to add your syllabus to this list, feel free to leave a link in the comments, or you can e-mail me a document and I'll add it (
).- Cara Burnidge, "Religions of the World"
- Christopher Cantwell, "Catholicism in U.S. History"
- Heath W. Carter, "Religion in American History" and "American Utopias" both at his teaching page.
- Jonathan Den Hartog, "Religion in American History"
- Seth Dowland, "Islam in America"
- Sharon Leon, "American Religious History after 1865"
- Lincoln Mullen, "Church and State in America"
- John Turner, "Mormonism"
N.B. The following syllabi have been added since this post was first published:
- Michael J. Altman, “Empire and the Construction of Religion”
- David Krueger, “Religion in American Culture”
- Daniel Silliman, “History of American Atheism”
- Cassandra Yacovazzi, “History of American Religion”
First, thanks for gathering and posting these. It's a service and a help for people at all stages of teaching.
Second, you say that you really come to know people and teaching through syllabi. For a subsequent post, I'd be interested in your reflecting on the trends you see in these syllabi.