Today's guest post comes to us from Blaine Hamilton, a graduate student at Rice University with John Boles
Saturday Night Live, Djesus and Masculine Christianity
Blaine C. Hamilton

As many of you may be aware a few
weeks ago Saturday Night Live produced a brief, two-minute sketch that has
received a lot of attention from religious communities in the United States. “Djesus Uncrossed” was a movie trailer
spoofing Quentin Tarantino’s recent historical revenge films like
Inglourious Bastards and
Django Unchained. The video, which you can watch
here, suggests how Tarantino might tell
the story of the resurrection if he got his hands on it. Instead of ascending peacefully into the
skies, Djesus emerges from the tomb with a vengeance, a cross on his back and a
samurai sword in his hands. The apostles
are also featured reeking havoc on the Romans with even more blood than a
typical Tarantino film. The clip claims,
“Critics are calling it a less violent
of the Christ.”
For everyone familiar with SNL and sketch
comedy in general the satire and humor should be evident. The joke is on Tarantino, who if given the
opportunity would even rewrite the resurrection as a revenge story.

However, that’s not the message
that a number of religious groups took away from the sketch. A variety of Christian groups felt that SNL
was mocking Jesus, not Tarantino. The
Catholic League
and the coalition
Women for America (CWA) expressed outrage at the sketch’s depiction of
Jesus, especially during the season of Lent.
They and other
also questioned whether SNL would be as willing to mock the prophet Mohammed or
Islamic violence. Penny Nance, president
of CWA, suggested, SNL “would NEVER have the nerve to mock Islam as it did
Christianity. They would never be brave enough to run a skit mocking Mohammad at
any time — let alone during Ramadan.”
According to these groups and individuals, SNL’s error was not
sacrilege, it was targeting Christians instead of all religious groups
equally. (Interestingly, the
on American-Islamic Relations has also spoken out against the sketch for
its “misrepresentation” of Jesus, whom Muslims revere as a prophet).
While the outrage of the
conservative religious blogosphere is somewhat predictable, another blogger
made a different observation about the clip.
Over at,
David R. Henson suggested that perhaps SNL’s “Djesus” was more reflective of
current Christian culture than many Christians would like to admit. According to Henson, the sketch “said
something quite profound and revealing, if unintentionally, about how Americans
have remade Jesus in our own violent images.
Because, if truth be told, we’ve been trying to uncross Jesus for
decades in this country, long before SNL got their pens into him.” As an example, Henson cites Mark Driscoll’s
comments from a 2007 interview with
Relevant Magazine in which Driscoll
“Some emergent types [want]
to recast Jesus as a limp-wrist hippie in a dress with a lot of product in His
hair, who drank decaf and made pithy Zen statements about life while shopping
for the perfect pair of shoes. In Revelation, Jesus is a pride fighter with a
tattoo down His leg, a sword in His hand and the commitment to make someone
bleed. That is a guy I can worship. I cannot worship the hippie, diaper, halo
Christ because I cannot worship a guy I can beat up.”
Driscoll, like many male leaders in
the American evangelical movement, is concerned that the Christ-figure
represented in Christian churches has been emasculated.

Of course, Driscoll is not alone in
his concerns about Jesus’ masculinity.
While feminist Christian scholarship in recent years has questioned the
value of a male god, evangelical men have been working diligently to reaffirm a
hypermasculine Jesus. Many of us are
probably familiar with popular examples like
Promise Keepers, a national Christian
men’s ministry, whose 2013 theme is “Awakening the Warrior.” In the promotional
video an average man looks in the mirror
only to see an armor-clad twelfth-century French crusader staring back at
him. At the end of the clip, the man
reaches under the bed to unwrap his broadsword and prepare for the day ahead.
In recent years some churches have
embodied the Christian warrior ethos by developing
arts fight clubs in their men’s ministries.
Others, agreeing with Driscoll, have rejected the artistic depictions of
a weak, frail Jesus by painting him as muscular and straining against his bonds
or doing push-ups with the cross on his back.
In my opinion, “Djesus Uncrossed” does what
only good satire can do – it reflects a cultural image in such a way that makes
us question what is true. Is Djesus
really that far off base? Or were the
SNL writers much closer to the truth than they may have even realized? Certainly the field is ripe for a fresh
analysis of the hypermasculine trend in recent Christian pop culture.
The parallels with and echoes of "muscular Christianity" of the late 19th/early 20th century are obvious and oft-mentioned--but they also raise the historical questions: why this hypermasculine Jesus and why now? Is gender a signifier for race, a way to be "white without words," as Paul and Ed suggest? Are middle and lower class males expressing their frustration and sense of betrayal by an economic order in which they can no longer be the "self-made" men they feel they ought to be, as Michael Kimmel suggests? I think both go some way to explaining Prince of Power fantasy, but I still wonder whence the aggressiveness and violence, the threatening posture that SNL so neatly skewered?
Is the 21st c. incarnation of the muscle-bound Messiah something new, whatever precedents it has in the New Testament?