"Bless Jesus and Lincoln"
by Emily Suzanne Clark
post today is a “this day in history” from my dissertation research. My
dissertation examines how the beliefs and practice of Spiritualism helped Afro-creoles
mediate the political, social, and cultural changes in New Orleans as the city
moved from the antebellum period through Reconstruction. The messages the Cercle Harmonique received from the
spirit world and the spirits who sent them offered the circle a forum for
airing their political grievances and a place to imagine a more egalitarian
world. Certain republican ideals, particularly those inherited from the memory
of the French Revolution, were reinvigorated and reworked to relate to
contemporary issues. While American religious history typically associates Spiritualism with white, liberal Protestants living in the northeast, I explore Spiritualism as practiced by New Orleanian Afro-creoles.

message channeled by the medium 144 years ago covered a lot of territory.
Lamennais expressed his approval of Narciso López’s attempts for
Cuban independence from Spain; he predicted that through the “mysterious ways
of the Divine Providence, Human Slavery shall disappear little by little on
this continent;” he discussed the continuous struggle of “Progress” and “Truth” versus “moral slavery;” and he reprimanded Catholic priests in the South for their
support of the Confederacy “preaching the sanctity of the horrible institution
of slavery” and “blessing banners of the battalions which were forging new and
stronger chains for their brothers.”

pro-Lincoln, pro-republicanism, anti-slavery message jived with the political
goals and orientation of the Afro-creoles at the séance table that spring of
1869. And the message came with authority. A revolutionary Catholic priest not
only chose to communicate with the circle but he also shared their political
views and, with them, hoped for continued progress.