Back Soon -- Or, It's Just That Demon Life Has Got You In Its Sway

Paul Harvey

Just a brief note to say that I will be a little busy and saddle-sore riding the range here for the next couple of weeks with (as Historiann would say) plenty to do rounding up some stray cattle who have busted out the fences, eliminating some varmint and critters, and generally dealing with boxes, forms, and money in things related to famille Harvey (of course that is pronounced "Hervée"). Once the ranch is all in its usual awesome working order, we'll be back here with a flurry of our usual unsolicited and generally pointless posts.

Until then, posting here from me may be a little sparse around these parts for a week or two anyway, so see you all back at the ranch then. I'm sure my fellow blogging range riders will get the cowpokes organized and rounding up the pokes, and posts. See you back around these parts before you know it.


Anonymous said…
say it ain't so
Historiann said…
Paul, am I the Author Who Gets on Your Nerves, here?

You are fortunate to have so many ranch hands around to help keep up the conversations!
Jason Bivins said…
Paul is of course *really* going on a blogging fast to raise consciousness in the eleventh hour of the NFL lockout negotiations. FFL is upon us . . .
Paul Harvey said…
Bivins!! You have temporarily left the much snazzier headquarters over at Immanent Frame and paid our ramshackle ranch house a visit. Ed and I have made it our life's mission to demoralize and humiliate you this season. Sutton knows what that feels like.
Jason Bivins said…
If the forces are going to be allied against me, I might as well just draft all Washington players and double down on my misery. I can pick Ovechkin, right?

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